Thrive as a Community

Are you ready to embark on a journey towards a healthier, stronger, and more energetic you? Look no further, as our group fitness classes. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast seeking a fresh challenge or a beginner taking your first steps towards an active lifestyle, our classes are designed to cater to all levels and aspirations.

With a team of passionate instructors and a supportive community, we are dedicated to empowering individuals and transforming lives through the power of group fitness.

“I began my journey at Precision Personal Training just over a year ago when I met with Trevor to discuss beginning a training program. Now at 50, I feel like I am in better shape than I have been in years. It’s funny when I travel, I find myself checking out the fitness center at the hotel before I book it! I never would have done that a year ago."

Vancouver, WA

Current Class Schedule

You may register for the classes you will attend each week in order to reserve a spot, or use Mindbody App to reserve spots randomly. Spots are limited to 12 clients/class. Classes are 50 minutes each. Please give notice if you cannot attend in case of a waitlist.

Sign up for class
Restorative Yoga
6:00 am
Metcon & Mobility
12:00 pm
Pure Strength
6:00 am
Pure Strength
6:00 pm
Pure Strength
12:00 pm
Metcon & Mobility
6:00 am
Hybrid Yoga
9:00 am

HYBRID YOGA: This class is a mix of Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Yin yogas. You’ll start with a dynamic flow to warm up, move into standing and balance poses that you’ll hold for a few breaths to work on strength and stabilization, and finish with longer held stretches to cool down. It’s a set sequence, meaning it’s the same class every time — A great way to track your progress with certain poses!

METCON & MOBILITY: A cardio blast workout that will have you dripping sweat, followed by mobility to cool you down.

PURE STRENGTH: This multi set, full body strength class is geared towards one thing, and one thing only... LEAN MEAN MUSCLE!

RESTORATIVE YOGA: Our restorative class is made up of seated and lying postures, some complimented by props, that are held for longer periods of time to focus on deep stretching for healthy muscles. It’s a great compliment to weightlifting, and with an added focus on breath and relaxation, it’s also a great class for those seeking some stress relief in their week!

*Classes are currently for existing clients only. Contact our team to inquire about signing up.

Ready to Get Started? Click the link below to sign up for classes today!

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